3D OpenGL Applications (BEST in 32 bitcolor!): (uses OpenGL and glut dlls)
First & Once: Download glut32.dll (put in C:/Windows/System)
StarZ | A Starfield simulation v 1.0 | 9-17-00 |
LeaveZ | A Falling Leaves simulation (OpenGL Challenge:Fall) | 9-16-00 |
FlagZ |
A Rippling Flag TextureMapped with the Famous & Infamous
Composite ScreenShot (scroll down the image!) | 7-19-00 |
FlameZ | A PlasmaFlame and Cloud simulation (requires fast system!) | 11-29-00 |
BlackHoleZ |
A Swirling Black Hole simulation (OpenGL Challenge:TimeWarp)
ScreenShot | 10-19-00 |
SmokeZ | A Whimsical Burning Cigarette (particle development vehicle) | 10-25-00 |
CoronaZ |
Earth & Moon Circling a Particle Sun (particle development vehicle, Pause and mouse for corona view) ScreenShot | 11-29-00 |
GearZ | A Spherical Set of Rotating Gears ScreenShot | 11-29-00 |
PlasmaZ | A Lava-Lamp simulation ScreenShot | 10-2-00 |
CatacombZ | A mini-Doom game (update of NeHe October Challenge) | 10-28-00 |
FuzZ |
Rotating Fractally-Overlapping Noise Textures (update of OpenGL Challenge: RandomImagery) ScreenShot | 11-2-00 |
PinZ |
A PinArt Machine Simulation (OpenGL Challenge: Spikes/Nails/Screws) ScreenShot | 12-2-00 |
PulsarZ |
A Big Bang+ simulation (OpenGL Challenge: Oddities) | 1-14-01 |
RingZ |
A Set of 3 Interlocking Rotating Rings (OpenGL Challenge:FreeStyle) (updated: hid cursor) ScreenShot | 1-16-01 |
ImpactZ |
A bad day for planet Earth, destruction on a Planetary scale!
(OpenGL Challenge: Demolition) ScreenShot | 1-21-01 |
CoasterZ |
A Roller Coaster of sorts (OpenGL Challenge: Free Style) ScreenShot | 1-28-01 |
Qlicken | A program that measures your response time, just Click when it flashes | 1-31-01 |
RoseZ | A Twirling Rose (OpenGL Challenge: Be Mine) ScreenShot | 2-11-01 |
SpaceWarZ | A Space Shoot-Em-Up (OpenGL Challenge: Interface) ScreenShot | 2-25-01 |
SkateZ | Roll around a Virtual Skate Park Screenshot | 3-07-01 |
ArcZ | A Plasma Ball simulation (OpenGL Challenge: Plasma Balls) Screenshot | 4-22-01 |
HiwayZ | A driving simulation (OpenGL Challenge: Free Style) Screenshot | 4-29-01 |
BopZ |
A child's "GopherBop" arcade game simulation (OpenGL Challenge: Explosive Goo) Screenshot | 5-15-01 |
FlockZ |
A soaring birds simulation (OpenGL Challenge: Flock of Feathers) Screenshot | 5-21-01 |
WallZ |
Inside a Rotating Cube with Sliding Particle Walls (OpenGL Challenge: Free Style) Screenshot | 6-3-01 |
PezZ | A Candy Dispenser - (OpenGL Challenge: Candy) | 6-19-01 |
YosemiteZ |
A 3d-shooter w/ Yosemite Sam - (OpenGL Challenge: Cartoon) Screenshot | 7-3-01 |
WaterColorZ | An abstract simulation, splashes of watercolor - (OpenGL Challenge: Free Style) Screenshot | 7-8-01 |
EruptionZ | A volcano simulation - (OpenGL Challenge: Eruptions) | 7-19-01 |
RainZ |
Driving down wet streets at night in the rain - (FlipCode: Precipitation) *** Sound bug fix *** Screenshot | 3-13-02 |
PhysicZ |
An attempt at modeling the physics of motion - (GameDev: Physics) Screenshot | 3-3-02 |
FellowshipZ |
The Lord of the Rings - (NeHe: LOTR contest) Screenshot | 4-25-02 |
written by George Ziniewicz with Visual C++
Email: zin @ zinsight.com
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